Masters.Characters Base & Focus.

With this project I am going to be focusing on two Characters from my Circus, Louise & Pom Pom aka Ruth.
I was going to include Louise’ s twin sister Eris as well, but this would mean more time animating a character with not a lot going on in her life, she’s pretty simple and her only aim is to take care of her sister. Other than that she’s a simple with trying to figure out if they still have a dad or not. In terms of exciting animation there’s not much to work with, so she may only appear in the first few seconds as support to the story.
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Modern 18th/19th Century, with a Circus vibe is what I’m going form in terms of a theme. The Set Design with follow it’s lead. I want the attitude of real people, that fact that they are human and people go through things they don’t take about like depression, Child abuse and bad relationships. Even though I am probably aiming at more of an 18+ with this project. I don’t want to animate things I don’t need to show, I’d prefer to imply and let the audience understand in their own time like I have with quite a few animations I’ve watched over the years.

Mood Board.
Raspberries and dark chocolate moodboard Masters Project.png
After work spent a couple hours creating a mood board while re-watching Gravity Falls for the third time? Trying to make note of why I love the TV show so much; story, writing,  simplistic character design and set. All beautiful and fascinating. This is what I want for mine, maybe not so simple in Design but I want it to look professional.
Back to the Mood Board… I had already highlighted some of these references in previous blog posts about the Style & Theme I am going with, in my sketch book this already comes through as I have already been making garments from my character designs.

Related imageOne thing I do want to get across between these two characters mainly in the script is their friendship, possibly a little co-dependent but it a surviving way rather than relying on each other to exist. Therefore the time that they spend together creates character arches as the interact and learn from each other.
Pom Pom, aka Ruth, sweet and naive. Louise; damaged and aggressive. In my eyes their friendship is a little yin and yang, Louise has been in a dark part of the world. Seen some things and feels like an older sister to Pom, protecting her and showing her the way to make repeat her mistakes. Pom Pom with her kind heart always finds a way to cheer up or calm down Louise if she is frustrated.
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Lucy(left) and Mina(right) from Bram Stoker’s Dracula 1992. Are quite a good base for the friendship between Louise and Ruth.
Lousie and Lucy, both wild and driven by what they want, more than will to talk to men for the fun of it. Ruth and Mina, shy and sweet, naive to the world beyond their front door.
R and dark C masters animation project script so far 26 11 19

12 Principles of Animation.
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Must not forget the principles of Animation, adding them into my animation will only add to the visual entertainment of the short film. Very important!

With Louise… I already feel like I’m being too logical about her. *sigh*
Should I be careful, should I simplify? Am I going to unintentionally upset some people if I use Demons as a visual metaphor?
There are, in my option, cute demon characters like Ryuk from Death Note (2006) who are funny and weird but still adorable. But then again I find some of Tim Burton’s characters sweet to look at.
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Then there are others like Hell Boy (2004), more of a typical looking demon design with a love of cats and cigars.

I’m wondering if I should give Louise a transformation scene, possibly an unconscious nod to Disney’s Snow White (1937) when the Queen drinks the potion to become an old hag. One of the first animation films I ever watched.

Characters with four arms.
As I am going to be using a character with two extra limps, it seemed necessary to look at other characters from over the years in films and TV.
Related imageImage result for four armed characters starwarsFour Arms. Ben Ten. Cartoon Network
TV Show (2005-08)
Dexter Jettster.
 Star Wars –
Attack of the Cones (2002)
Tharks. John Carter (2012)
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General Grievous. Star Wars – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Experiment 626 aka Stitch. Lilo & Stitch (2002)
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I will be using these as Character reference, looking at how the arms move individually, making them look natural. Following this it might be a good idea to create some video reference for this filming myself & overlapping the footage to know what Ruth will look like in a scene.

Mood board of the two characters.
Costume Charcter moodboard Rn DC.png
(Internet pictures from my Tublr & Instagram Saves)
Also I’ve decide to change Pom Pom’s real name from Cherry to Ruth, kind of naming her after a friend, but I’m mainly making this change as it suits her personality more. It did seem fitting since her hair is Ginger but it was too strong, too obvious. Something more delicate and suitably seems much more appropriate.

Surprisingly Rihanna, with her moody mardy attitude and ignorance is usually a good model and seems to share my taste in fashion. Her appearance in the CR Fashion Book in 2016 has to be one of my personal favourites.
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Flash backs & Backstories.
With the two girls I already know their stories, I’ve been writing them for a few years now, mainly Louise. However since I love old/first photos of Circus people from 19th Century I thought it might be a good idea to animate any flashbacks in these washed out photograph colours. Like faded memories…
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I’ve loved Betty Boop since I was in Primary school in the 2000’s, watching any episode I could find on YouTube. I love the creativity and imagination of the animators, also the time period itself. The music, the style, I find it enchanting.


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One thing that I do love above all else in the film Marie Antoinette (2006) is that the Cast look amazing at all times and the attitude the characters they play hold, the attitude. I love it. They are Royal. They are Rich and yet some of their manners and class are lacking. They are still normal human beings, they are alive. They slouch, they play with their food, they gossip without consideration for others. I find it fascinating that characters/people that tell others by tradition they should bow to them & yet they act like this.
The characters I am using aren’t rich or royal, but I want to dress them up nice and mainly talking about Louise here, depict that I don’t care emotion in certain scenes. Not sure which yet but it is definitely based on a few seconds, as if to just say “…what”?

These two short videos are good examples of what I mean about attitude and care free/I don’t care feeling I mainly want to depict in Louise… mixed with Fashion!
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